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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Right or Left?

Have you ever had to confront an issue concerning the right or left wing? You know, politics! I am, I feel, a true conservative. There are many different claims of conservative stands but I think they should claim a more moderate view. One such issue is being challenged here in the state of Oklahoma.

Recently a former classmate of mine posted on our high school web site how she was offended by one of our state officials, Sally Kern In her post she linked the actual recording of this woman's remarks towards homosexuals. Yes, my classmate is a lesbian. She is a great woman but I do disagree with her life choice. I would never, ever speak 'hate' talk but I am certain she would feel that not agreeing with her understanding of what this representative said would be supporting 'hate' talk. You be the judge.... listen to what she sent to not get caught up in watching the video because it is not of the representative, only the voice recorded is.

Did you watch it? What is your thoughts? If you do any search on Sally Kern, you will get a bunch of 'hate' links. I listened to it...expecting to hear someone 'claiming a walk with God (Christian)' but being hateful. That is not what I heard. People are making comments that she stated homosexuals are worse than terrorists. That is not the content of what she said. I truly heard her as a Bible reading, faith walking Christian. She did not say anything hateful or evil of the individuals who have chosen to live a lifestyle that God says is wrong (Romans 1).

My classmate friend ended her post with this statement... "to parents who raise their children to be accepting and loving of all others - THANK YOU!!!" Accepting & loving of all others? I believe that is me...but accepting that she chose that life does not mean I believe it is right or that God is good with it. Sin is sin...we all deal with it...but do we ask others to accept our sin we chose to walk in? NO ONE....absolutely NO ONE responded to her post. Nothing. Myself I feel if i do not agree with her, I will be posted as "judging, hate walking, not loving of all others." So do I post? No. If someone drinks to much and is an we just say that is his choice, they were born that way? Do we support them? If someone cheats, do we support them? Is it ok? If we speak that it is not what God wants for their life...are we speaking hate? Come on my Christian friends.... we love the sinner (for which we all are) and we hate the sin. We MUST speak out against any sin but LOVE and reach out to the sinner to help them. Don't you want that for yourselves? Jesus died for your sin...the least we could do is be a friend to the sinner and help them learn how to stand with Jesus and turn away from sin.

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