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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Right or Left?

Have you ever had to confront an issue concerning the right or left wing? You know, politics! I am, I feel, a true conservative. There are many different claims of conservative stands but I think they should claim a more moderate view. One such issue is being challenged here in the state of Oklahoma.

Recently a former classmate of mine posted on our high school web site how she was offended by one of our state officials, Sally Kern In her post she linked the actual recording of this woman's remarks towards homosexuals. Yes, my classmate is a lesbian. She is a great woman but I do disagree with her life choice. I would never, ever speak 'hate' talk but I am certain she would feel that not agreeing with her understanding of what this representative said would be supporting 'hate' talk. You be the judge.... listen to what she sent to not get caught up in watching the video because it is not of the representative, only the voice recorded is.

Did you watch it? What is your thoughts? If you do any search on Sally Kern, you will get a bunch of 'hate' links. I listened to it...expecting to hear someone 'claiming a walk with God (Christian)' but being hateful. That is not what I heard. People are making comments that she stated homosexuals are worse than terrorists. That is not the content of what she said. I truly heard her as a Bible reading, faith walking Christian. She did not say anything hateful or evil of the individuals who have chosen to live a lifestyle that God says is wrong (Romans 1).

My classmate friend ended her post with this statement... "to parents who raise their children to be accepting and loving of all others - THANK YOU!!!" Accepting & loving of all others? I believe that is me...but accepting that she chose that life does not mean I believe it is right or that God is good with it. Sin is sin...we all deal with it...but do we ask others to accept our sin we chose to walk in? NO ONE....absolutely NO ONE responded to her post. Nothing. Myself I feel if i do not agree with her, I will be posted as "judging, hate walking, not loving of all others." So do I post? No. If someone drinks to much and is an we just say that is his choice, they were born that way? Do we support them? If someone cheats, do we support them? Is it ok? If we speak that it is not what God wants for their life...are we speaking hate? Come on my Christian friends.... we love the sinner (for which we all are) and we hate the sin. We MUST speak out against any sin but LOVE and reach out to the sinner to help them. Don't you want that for yourselves? Jesus died for your sin...the least we could do is be a friend to the sinner and help them learn how to stand with Jesus and turn away from sin.

Friday, March 21, 2008


It amazes me how people view marriage. I am not certain that too many have the same vision. Even in my circle of family and friends, I only know of one or two that even has the same view as I do. In fact...many times I begin to be influenced by the majority and then when I turn to these 2 for their Godly council...I am quickly repentant and turn back to the understanding that I do believe with all my heart is God. Even though my husband and I have the same fundamental beliefs, we are not in agreement on everything.

Don't you find it interesting how when you are dating or have committed to the "one you love forever" that months or years after the wedding you realize.....questions you did not ask each other. Important questions like...How much money do you make? What are your financial plans? Where will we go to church? How will we make time for our families? Do you snore?

One of the first questions that was asked of me when I announced I was engaged was "so is the sex good?" I was shocked and they were even more shocked when I said that Mark and I gave our relationship to the Lord and would not sleep together until our honeymoon. It was their opinion that I had made a mistake. This was coming from a single parent mom. Before I met my husband, I had a few close relationships. Two of them, I could see marrying. I loved them and their families. The hardest thing about the break ups was not just missing the guy but missing his whole family. I finally realized that I needed to let God bring the man to me...and until there was a ring on my finger I would not allow my emotions to control me nor would I meet their family. In this decision, I experienced what I know is God being in control and yet there was a part that was digging her heals in the ground.

Recently I heard someone say something that I think I always knew but did not quite know how to put my finger on it. Soul ties are not what we are to have....Spiritual ties are. I have always felt that my husband fit the Spiritual list that I made with God. He does not always meet my flesh expectations but I have no doubt that God brought him into my life as my husband. We have many differences..sometimes they balance us out and some we battle with. Even with this belief, I have struggled many times in our marriage on whether it was right. I have been hurt so many times, deeply, that I just wanted out. If others can divorce and serve God, why can't I? God's own chosen people in the Bible struggled with their marriages. Why should I be different? Why should I work it through?

God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:16) Why do we make exceptions. God hates all sin yet we continue to make excuses for them. I watch as many of my friends come up with what they feel are sound reasons. Never mind what the word says or how it will affect their children & family. I have heard it all... neglect, affairs, "I never loved him", porn, verbal abuse, drugs, "She doesn't love me", no sex... I realize some of my friends will be reading this. How are we to grow if we do not discuss our lives and let God in? I hope this will help us all to learn and know more of what God wants for us.

I understand why many did not share their pain before they began to end their marriage in their hearts. I experienced that. Mark & I had an explosion in our marriage not too long after my son was born. I always knew somethings were not right with us but never actually knew exactly what. I shared with close friends of mine my thoughts. In that attempt to reach out to ones I believed would help me keep focused and steer me to God's word...I lost a close friend. It frightened her...the fears I shared and the pain I felt. She took my fears and shared them with others as 'truth'. I was even more broken. Was I stupid for believing in God and the words He told us to live by? Should I have not shared and kept it inside me? No. I am saddened that to this day this family is distant from us. Our children were good friends at one well as the adults. I believe that friend had her own secrets that haunted her and that is why mine scared her. I still pray for her and believe that some day our relationship will be restored. None the less, I have taught my children that they must have a person, mentor, friend, that they confide in....someone that will not empathize or sympathize but take them to God's word no matter what. I have that. God always made sure I had that.

I must take a break for now. I will continue on this subject for a while. There are a few more out there that are contemplating what choices they have. Let me make myself clear before I go. You can call me or night. I will pray with you. I will stand on God's promises with you. We are to DIE to ourselves and LIVE for Christ. He is the author of our lives. Whether we have a powerful effect in life or are just a silent servant of God...We must not let our minds be filled with anything other than God's word.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Voting 2008

How does a Christian vote? I have always been determined to never vote for a particular party. I want to commit to vote for who I think will best lead the position they are working in, no matter their party. As a Christian, however, I can not help but vote for someone that at least follows the simple understanding of the Bible. That being said... I believe God is the provider of all my needs (Phil 4:13). I am to be a good steward of my money he gives me and he will give me that which I need. I do not trust man for my money. I believe God wants me to vote towards his word the Bible. I do that to the best that is given me.

I wonder why we rarely have anyone to choose from other than individuals who have made a lifestyle out of being in politics. Both parties seem to only offer individuals that have been in politics for some time. I am not certain I can trust these individuals. Most of them speak of a walk that their voting record does not support and yet the public has available to them these individuals voting records and do not challenge them. The journalist fall more into the hands of their own opinion than offering actual facts. I am interested in how Christian's vote and how they made their decisions. I hate the way the media and certain people, tear apart our country. We are not seen as Americans but as racial Americans. We are either African, Native, Asian, Hispanic, or White. If USA is a "melting pot" of cultures and race...should we not drop this classification? What are white Americans? Are they European, Australian, or what? My family has Indian & German in it...yet none of it is 50% unless I go back 4 generations. I am an American. Family testimonies have gone through the wars and depressions of old. My father stood up against the 50's separation of black & white and refused to go where his friends were not welcomed. I am proud of who I am and the choices my family have taken. I am sad though to see my country still struggling with "classification wars" instead of just being Americans. In order to have decent candidates...we must get through this first. What do you think?

Jehovah's Witnesses

Many have been visited by the Jehovah's Witnesses. I use to be a JW visiting the homes in my town. It is something to think about. Just as I began my blog and referenced my former relationship with the JW and my 1986 acceptance of Jesus Christ, my door was knocked upon by non other than a Jehovah's Witness. This sweet girl and her mother have been to my door a number of times. I do not dare tell them of my previous membership because they would mark my home on their records as a harlot and never return. This is an opportunity I do not want to miss. I want to help them see that they are not the only ones seeking the truth and finding they are taught. I am leaving it to God where our conversation goes and when they will return. I accept all that they give me and answer all the questions they ask me. Did they notice today that I was wearing a shirt that said "Ask me about Jesus"? Will they return? Will this frighten them away?

My family did not attend my wedding in 1989. My husband asked my father for my hand..believing that God would want him to get the approval of my daddy. My dad, having not spoken to me much since I left the JW church, looked at this stranger and listened to him and then granted him that blessing. They did not accept the request for them to be at the wedding or for my dad to walk me down the isle. They feel it is a great sin and risk to step into a church building. They do not see their religion as a "church" but as the witnesses of Jehovah. It is because of this that I know these ladies that visit my home, just might be frightened now to return to my home should they have read my shirt.

I can only pray and trust what God will do next.


This is all new for me. I have many family members and friends that are actively involved with the world on the Internet. I guess I keep myself busy and I am a bit intimidated by it all. I love to learn & share, so I thought...why not. Many times I have desired to write a book...many times I have started. Never have I finished. Maybe this will be a new way for me to journal and a better way to get confidence in finishing a book. Journaling is such a wonderful way for people to express themselves and really...kind a self counselor to themselves. With God's help, one can let Him direct their life by doing these things.

Anyways. I hope that this will have a great purpose at some time and I look forward to speaking to and reading others posts..whether on my blog or theirs. I truly want to let God lead me in this whole experience. Blessings..