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Friday, January 9, 2009

Fasting for my God

So.. on January 1, 2009, I began a fast with several others from my church and friendship circle. Many called it the Daniel fast...and in some ways it is because we are actually studying Daniel daily as we do this. However, it was not until I actually read Daniel that I realized I am not actually eating the same as Daniel did. Daniel 1:12 states that they ate only "pulse and water"-kjv (vegetables & water-niv). Pulse is described in the dictionary as : the edible seeds of various crops (as peas, beans, or lentils) of the legume family. Upon meditating all of this several things come to mind... 1)So many years have passed since Daniel's generation.. what exactly was pulse considered as then? 2)Do I truly believe every word of the Bible or do I feel there are things we may not understand because of the change of times. My decision for now... is that I truly believe every word of the Bible. Saying that, I believe Daniel and his 3 friends ate only seeds of various crops..mainly beans (legume) or maybe even nuts. It is amazing how this should play any real importance. It is not like I have heard God telling me to fast and what to fast. In this specific fast, I am really doing it out a since of tithing the first of my year to God. I am giving up things that bring me pleasure, although, these things have become so much of my life they are almost a part of me. I first went to a website called the Daniel fast. To my surprise, they to listed things that were not a part of Daniel's true fast either. When I read Daniel, it seems to me that this was his normal food intake. Yet when I do a full read of the Bible, I do not see where God places a command of what we are to eat. In every event that a specific diet is listed, there are issues that are going on with them.

Take the Garden of Eden where they were allowed to eat anything in the Garden except the Tree in the middle of the Garden called the "knowledge of good and evil"-Genesis 2:9, 16 & 17 This the first statement regarding food that man was to eat. No other foods mentioned. So are we to assume that God's perfect food is only that which comes from a tree? No carrots, corn, lettuce, ... Another place in the bible gives great reference to 'land flowing with milk and honey'-Deut 26:9 Would not God be promising this because it was a true to be enjoyed? I mentioned all of this purely because of the argument as to what foods are given to us by God? It is another issue to take on later.

Back to my fast. I have heard many different individuals fasting different things. I for one have chosen during this fast to fast the following... All sugars, flours, chemicals, drinks other than water and juice, all animal products..meat,milk,cheese,eggs,etc., Sometimes I think giving up tv would be even more advantageous, although, food definitely has its health & weight (lol) benefits. Well.. for 21 days, well alone 40 which i did a fresh and raw before, should seem to be a piece of cake. It is amazing, however, that as soon as you say you can't have seems to be the very thing that one's body craves the most. Your mind seems to dwell on it. The reason for my fast is for that very reason. I want to take my mind to dwell in Christ during those times and ALL times. We slowly let other things in our lives take weight over Him.

Here it is only the 10th day of this commitment. It is the beginning of the day and I have yet to go to bed. All I can think about is either cleaning or eating. It is my GOD that I want to focus on. It is only HIM that i want to keep my mind on...burn for, desire. I can eat so many other things yet I am fighting to not want those I have chosen not to eat. I guess if it was easy it would not be a just fast. It just amuses me how this simple task can make one struggle.

I have a busy schedule and I am going to drink my juice and go to bed. Hopefully I will continue this journaling and He will shine through in it. I love Jesus.......