Each of us have a calling on our life....a plan and a purpose so given by God. (Ephesians 1:11) Do you know what that is? Have you asked Him?
In my daily journaling, I hope to share with you words that He gives me. God has never used me in any other way but a direct punch. Be it in my own studies, words from God through others and even, yes, silly questionaires that claim to "know your calling by answering simple questions"...have all confirmed to me who I am. Let me say....I do not judge. That, thankfully, is left to God alone. What I do share is the Word of God. Simple yet direct.
Back to my title. What does it mean to "turn to God"? Lets begin with Acts 17. You read about Paul and his travels in Athens. He notices how many statues and idols that have been placed around the city. Many Jews are jealous and still not receiving Jesus nor the word of God regarding His life. Several Jews and God-fearing Greeks, however, were listening and welcomed Paul to share. Please take a moment and read up to verse 26....
In verse 26 we read:
- 26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 'For in him we live and move and have our being.'
My heart has been heavy lately in hearing how many followers of Christ are not seeking Him! They choose what they see as their own 'happiness' instead of what Christ has laid out for them. They seek to pay men.....MEN for guidance in their lives, rather than reach out to the Word of God & to Him by prayer. They continue to ignore those around them with whom they know are full of the wisdom of God's word. They want scholars and proven men of the WORLD to guide them. ARE THESE NOT IDOLS? Why do we tend to lean towards these idols and yet be offended at anyone who quotes the Word to us for guidance? Would not our creator KNOW what will make our life full?
Please...I ask you.... if you have turned to paying one with the worlds education to guide you in your walk in life... PLEASE....I ask you to fast. Seek God, ask Him to show you whether this may be an IDOL in your life. Ask Him to guide you and then read the "guide" He has given you...the Bible. For in it is the answer to every thing in your life.
Until tomorrow....blessings to you, my friends and family in Christ.
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